Fair Play FIFA Leagues demands that all participants conduct themselves like professionals, the main focus of this site is to provide FIFA gamers with an online gaming ANTI-CHEAT environment. We do not tolerate player abuse, insults or cheating always play fair and show respect for others. keep in mind that this is an online competition you should treat it as training so don't be a sore loser. Participation Requirements 1. You must be able to play the entire tournament. 2. Fast Broadband Connection Only! 4. Read the rules and respect them. 5. Must follow the tournament deadlines, times and dates. 6. Registered members who do not show will receive ladder points deduction. REGISTRATE AQUI -> http://www.fifaleagues.com/cups_enter.php?id=23 Prizes To be announced. Tournament Format 1. Single elimination. 2. One match against opponent. Deadlines/Dates/Times ROUND 1: Saturday, December 26th at 12:00h ROUND 2: Saturday, December 26th at 12:30h ROUND 3: Saturday, December 26th at 13:00h ROUND 4: Sunday, December 27th at 12:00h ROUND 5: Sunday, December 27th at 12:30h ROUND 6: Sunday, December 27th at 13:00h Forbidden Rules 1. No customized or edited team formations. 2. No live season, must turn live season off. 3. No forward pass at all kick-off, must pass ball back. 4. No shooting from half field (at each kick-off must make backward pass) 5. No time wasting in your own half (10 mins is the max time) 6. No quitting if an opponent is found cheating. 7. No excessive pausing. 8. No skipping of match intro (this will allow you to see if opponent is cheating) Team Selection You can play with International teams or club teams ex: Arsenal vs France, France vs France, Arsenal vs Arsenal. The home team is always the Host. Playing My Match 1. All matches are ranked mode. 2. In case of a draw you will need to continue the match to extra-time + penalties. 3. Do not play over Be a Pro (BAP) no way to prove that you've won the match. 4. The home team always host the match unless both agree otherwise. 5. Online Game Modes --> Online Lobbies--> Lounges--> Create or Join session. Meeting Place All participants must meet in the Matchup Lobby (chat room) 15 minutes before match time with the correct user name that you registered with or else we wont be able to find you in the chat room. Player Confirmation All participants must confirm/check-in with the tournament admin before match time, fail to confirm with admin will result in player elimination. Forfeits All participants are given 10 minutes to play their matches after each round is available, after those 10 minutes are up you must confirm with the tournament admin letting him know that your opponent is not present, then the player who is missing will be punished with a FORFEIT LOSS. FIFA Leagues Time Zone Our time zone is (GMT -06:00) Central Time (USA & Canada) (please follow the time clock located top left corner of the web site) Adidas Live Season OFF: You are not allowed to play a ladder match with ADIDAS LIVE SEASON you must turn it OFF! you can turn it off by following these steps: My FIFA 10 --> Game Settings --> Live Season 2.0--> Online Head to Head Match OFF Custom Formations: Only default formations are allowed, this means that you can't edit a default formation. You can check if your opponent is using a custom formation by not skipping the match intro or pausing the game at the beginning of the kick-off and going to Team Management. The use of custom formations will forfeit the match if found guilty. Disconnections 10 Minute Rule: If the game lags, you must point this out to your opponent before the first 10 in-game minutes have passed. This avoids people from cheating. If a goal is scored within the first 10 in-game minutes you must complete the full match, you cannot disconnect. Repeated disconnections from games will result in a player warning. If no goals are scored before 10 minutes you can quit the match if the connection is laggy or delayed. After 10 minutes have passed you cannot quit. Disconnections Although it does not happen often, it is possible that you or your opponent may be disconnected from the game or the Internet entirely before your match is finished. You must communicate with your opponent and play a new match only the time remaining on the clock. Changing Teams You are not allowed to change your mind about the team you selected prior to the disconnection, you must continue the match with the team. You cannot change teams you must go back into the match with the same team that you had the disconnection with. Scenario 1: If i'm wining 1-0 and in the 40th minute a disconnection occurs, a new match must be played only playing the time remaining on the clock which is 50 minutes (40+50=90) no injury time. If your opponent scores 2 goals within the 50 mins, then he is the winner with the end result as 2-1. Scenario 2: If the match is tied at 1-1 and in the 80th minute a disconnection occurs, a new match must be played only playing the time remaining on the clock which is 10 minutes (80+10=90) no injury time. If no goals were scored in the 10 minutes of the new match then both players must continue the match until there is a winner. This means that you must completed the entire 90 minutes+ extra time and Penalties if necessary. * You are not allowed to send a match result if your opponent quits the match and never comes back online, you must send a match protest in the Support Center. If you need any help, please message fifaaddict, who is this cups admin. Espero no hacer roche, está difícil el torneo, en el Bring it perdí a la primera, Hummer me agarró frío y estaba de admin son mis pretextos :) , con fé ! Viendo mis rivales: (25/12/2009 - Feliz Navidad gente !!!) Bueno al parecer las primeras 3 rondas están accesibles, pero hay que demostrarlo en el campo, Bryan muy buen jugador en PC, de Bélgica es mi primer rival, seguido de un chileno si no me equivoco que vive en Perú "panchodt", rival difícil pero lo he vencido cuando lo he jugado, y hay algo de rivalidad porque no está feliz en el Perú :p, a ver que sucede en esas 2 primeras rondas, ya les contaré como me va el día del torneo. |
miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009
Preparándome para la World Gaming Cup de FL (Update: 25/12/2009)
World Gaming Cup - Sat - Dec 26th at 12h (-6GMT) (www.fifaleagues.com)
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